Somewhere out of no where

Description here....

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

ICT Section 5

Section 5
Today En.Z told us that we must have 2 folder.1 folder is for LP&LO which is yellow in colour and another folder is our SPM 2015 assessment document which is green in colour..So now we all had our own 2 personal file.En.Z also seperated us in 5 group.I very happy that I was in that group^^haha..Before this, En.Z had tell us about that Newzeland and some Korean ICT teacher that will come to our group for discussing about some interesting things..

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

ICT Section 4

Section 4
Understanding document
En.Z remind us to write the note by 1 section 1 pages.He told us about AVR,this things is to regulater to electicity and UPS(Unlimited Power Supply).We started the learning area 1 (ICT Society)on that day.En.Z told us to prepare lesson plan,meaning research and try to search some information.He show us how to do the Lesson Plan01and Learning Outcomes.That day is the first day we started our lesson1.

Monday, 20 January 2014

ICT Section 1

 Section 1
It was a first time I entering this cool class.^^En.Z is my ICT teacher.He called us to prepare a hard cover book for ICT and intoduced with us all task that need us to do in the future ICT life.I had shock when i heard those task and activity are given MARKs..WoW..@.@Lastly, En.Z told us about the email format(ICT SPM 2015-Full Name"capital"-title.

ICT Section 2

Section 2
*fb with name first before post on facebook
En.Z called us to introduced ourself on facebook,example like,who you are,how did you spend time in ICT,what's your special tea,how it can help your freind and what do you expect from En.Z,friend and you was my second task that En.Z called us to do it,"Comment ALL Friend Information"..that was the coollest things ever xDThen, remember the learning area and try to share something under learning area 1..
It was a graet challenge for me!!

Friday, 17 January 2014

ICT Section 3

Section 3
- keep file at Google Drive
- creat personal blockspot
(Name) Ict Journal