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Wednesday, 7 May 2014

ICT Section 29

Section 29 8.5.14

Today we have an ICT exam in the lab..and had discussion for our mid exam
everyone had past in this mid exam except one,44 sound bad for me =( But at least I had improve term add oil bah..

Recall back ...

- Plotter is not an input device.

- System software controls, integrate and manages the individual component of a computer system

- Example of spreadsheet software
* Lotus 1-2-3
* Microsoft Excel
* OpenOffice Cale
* Borland Quattro Pro

- A control unit fetches instruction from the memory and then decodes and executes them.

- In a computer,1 KB is equal to 1024 bytes

- Computer use binary codes to communicate.

- Jean- Maurine-Emile Bardout(1845-1903) created the teleprinter which used the 5-digit Bardout code

- The clock speed unit in a microprocessor is measured in hertz

- A connector is used to join a cable to a device.

- Camcorders and other video equipments use a FireWire Port to transmit data onto a computer 

- MIDI port is designed to connect the system unit to a musical instrument

- IrDA port is for wireless devices to transmit infrared light wave signals to a computer

- SCSI port is a special highspeed parallel port used to attach peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.

ICT Section 28

Section 28 6.5.14

ICT Section27

Section 27 1.5.14

Today we log in to have some revisions for the last term ICT exam

ICT Section 26

Section 26  29.4.14

WAP-wireless applications protocol
WAP is an open international standard for applicantion that use wireless communication. It enable access to the internet handheld wireless devices such as a mobile phone or PDAS

GPRS-General packet Radio Services
A standard for wireless which run of speed up to 115kbps. It is an efficient use of limited bandwidth and it particularly suited for sending and receiving small bursts of data ,such as email and web browsing

Electromic Mail
A method for composing, sending and recieving messages over the internet to and form in the world using on e-mail account

Internet relay Chat - IRC
 A multiuser chat system, where people meet of "channel" to talk in group, or privately to exchange comments and information about the topics addressed on the site

3G - Third generation
It is the third generation of mobile phones standards and technology. It promises increased bandwidth, up to 384kbps

HSDPA - High Speed Download Packet Access
A new protocol for the mobile telephone data transmission and also known as a 3.5G technology. It provides a downlink with data transmission up to 8.10 Mbps.

Mailing List
A system that allow people to send e-mail to one address, where upon their messages is copied and send to all of the other subscribes to the list

A type of data transmission in which a single medium(wise) can carry multiple voice, video or data channels simultaneously.

Virtual discussion groups on the internet where many Netizens World