Somewhere out of no where

Description here....

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Section 72


Section 73

Section 73     21.3.2015

Teacher order us to
- post correct ans in telegram ( Exam)
- continue blog
- Calculate the area of triangle ( base, height..)
* use a formula to calculate and display the area of a triangle
- 3 information about learning area 4

psuedo code

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Section 71

Section 71   17.3.2015

- A computer program is a series of organized multimedia that directs a computer to perform a task

A program like a receipt - variables & statements

Program language - writing computer program & perform computation

Exp: Basic,Pascal,C,C++,Smalltalk

Low level language
- first generation
- second generation

First Generation:
* Machine language
* Binary code

2nd Generation
* assemble language
* symbol
* Assembler

High Level Language
-third generation
- forth generation
- fifth generation

3rd Generation
-procedural language
-complies or interpreter

4th generation
-non procedural language

5th Generation
-natural language
-visual and graphic
-Prolog and Mercury

Section 70

Section 70  12.3.2015

Examination discussion

Section 69

Section 69  10.3.2015

Examination about learning Area 04

Section 68

Section 68  5.3.2015

Ready for lesson plan 06 - programming
24 March due date
the duration [ 24 March - 10 April]
 Learning Outcome submit date ;
12 April & print out 13 April

Section 67

Section 67  3.3.2015

We were having an ICT examination today.

Section 66

Section 66   26.2.2015

Assessment of Area 4

Section 65

Section 65   24.2.2015

The assessment of area 4

Section 64

Section 64  10.2.2015

Teacher told us about the step that we need to follow to produce a project
  • items
  • project file
  • problem
  • objectif
  • possible solution
  • target user
  • response
# storyboard
# tool book assistance

 PlayStation Home (also marketed and referred to as Home) was a virtual 3D social gaming platform developed by Sony Computer Entertainment's London Studio for the PlayStation 3 on the PlayStation Network

Section 63

Section 63  5.2.2015

Authoring tools is to help you write multimedia applications.
# autoware
# director
# Flash

* 6 different types of authoring tools
 Multimedia Concept
  • time frame
  • icon
  • card
Icon Author and Autoware = support multimedia platform


ICT Section 62

Section 62 29.2.2015

We discussed about the assessment of Area 04

Saturday, 31 January 2015

Section 61   27.1.2015

Text editor- Microsoft Word
Graphic- Paint
              - Photoshop
Audio Editor- Audacity
Vedio- Camera
          - vedio camera
          - handphone
Pass up on Next week ( tuesday)
 Animator - Gif Animator

Section 60    22.01. 2015

Teacher asked us to create our own product
1. Name
2. Problem
3. Objektif
4. Solution
5. About
6. How gonna solve the problem...?

Section 59     20.1. 2015

Teacher discuss more about multimedia to us .

Section 58  15.01.2015

Monday hand in LP ( multimedia ) softcopy to teacher.

Section 57  13.1 2015
Email to teacher- ICT SPM 2015
1. The most important thing that i learn
2  The biggest mistake i did
3. The best thing you have learn from teacher
4. Give three things that you share with your friends
5. The best activity in ICT

Section 53 /54      7.10.14

Today we gonna do the application . There are some altering tools which are powerpoint and tool books asistance