Somewhere out of no where

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Section 71

Section 71   17.3.2015

- A computer program is a series of organized multimedia that directs a computer to perform a task

A program like a receipt - variables & statements

Program language - writing computer program & perform computation

Exp: Basic,Pascal,C,C++,Smalltalk

Low level language
- first generation
- second generation

First Generation:
* Machine language
* Binary code

2nd Generation
* assemble language
* symbol
* Assembler

High Level Language
-third generation
- forth generation
- fifth generation

3rd Generation
-procedural language
-complies or interpreter

4th generation
-non procedural language

5th Generation
-natural language
-visual and graphic
-Prolog and Mercury

Section 70

Section 70  12.3.2015

Examination discussion

Section 69

Section 69  10.3.2015

Examination about learning Area 04

Section 68

Section 68  5.3.2015

Ready for lesson plan 06 - programming
24 March due date
the duration [ 24 March - 10 April]
 Learning Outcome submit date ;
12 April & print out 13 April

Section 67

Section 67  3.3.2015

We were having an ICT examination today.

Section 66

Section 66   26.2.2015

Assessment of Area 4

Section 65

Section 65   24.2.2015

The assessment of area 4

Section 64

Section 64  10.2.2015

Teacher told us about the step that we need to follow to produce a project
  • items
  • project file
  • problem
  • objectif
  • possible solution
  • target user
  • response
# storyboard
# tool book assistance

 PlayStation Home (also marketed and referred to as Home) was a virtual 3D social gaming platform developed by Sony Computer Entertainment's London Studio for the PlayStation 3 on the PlayStation Network

Section 63

Section 63  5.2.2015

Authoring tools is to help you write multimedia applications.
# autoware
# director
# Flash

* 6 different types of authoring tools
 Multimedia Concept
  • time frame
  • icon
  • card
Icon Author and Autoware = support multimedia platform


ICT Section 62

Section 62 29.2.2015

We discussed about the assessment of Area 04